26) Voice of Conscience
Definition: Voice of conscience corresponds to an inner voice that judges your behavior. Voice of conscience is the source of ethical decision making for many
27) Crisis of Conscience
Definition: Crisis of conscience is a situation in which it is very difficult to decide what’s the right thing to do. The term is also used when someone is worrying because they think that they have done something unfair or morally wrong.
It is a case of ethical dilemma, but often in a more strong sense. When there is a crisis of conscience, the individual fear that his action may be against the voice of conscience and hence ethically wrong.
28) Courage of Convinction
Definition: to act in accordance with one’s beliefs, especially in spite of criticism.
Example: Whistleblowing, Courage to maintain utmost integrity against Political pressures etc
29) Spirit of Service
Definition: Serving the people and nation in a selfless manner which will provide an inner satisfaction of paying back to the society what one owes.
Example: Gandhiji Serving in Dr. Booth’s hospital which consisted in ascertaining the patient’s complaints, laying the facts before the doctor and dispensing the prescriptions. It brought him in
close touch with suffering Indians, most of them indentured Tamil, Telugu or North Indian men Quote: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said: “Everyone can be great because everyone can serve. You don’t have to have a college education to serve. You don’t even have to make your subjects and verbs agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace.”
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself into the service of others”
30) The only price people pay by not joining the politics is to get ruled by their inferiors
31) Citizen charter
The Charters are expected to incorporate the following elements :-
- Vision and Mission Statement;
- Details of business transacted by the organisation;
- Details of clients;
- Details of services provided to each client group;
- Details of grievance redress mechanism and how to access it; and
- Expectations from the clients.
The following key issues were highlighted for exemplary implementation of the Citizens’ Charter: –
- stakeholder involvement in the formulation of Citizens’ Charters;
- deployment of the Citizens’ Charters in the Banks by full involvement of the staff, specially the employees at the cutting-edge level;
- creation of awareness about the Charter amongst the customers of the Banks; and special training for employees at all levels about the concept and implementation of Citizens’ Charter.
As per the report of evaluation carried out by the Agency, major findings were :-
- In majority of cases Charters were not formulated through a consultative process;
- By and large service providers are not familiar with the philosophy, goals and main features of the Charter;
- Adequate publicity to the Charters had not been given in any of the Departments evaluated. In most Departments, the Charters are only in the initial or middle stage of implementation;
- No funds have been specifically earmarked for awareness generation of Citizens’ Charter or for orientation of staff on various components of the Charter;
Key recommendations, inter alia, include: –
- need for citizens and staff to be consulted at every stage of formulation of the Charter,
- orientation of staff about the salient features and goals/ objectives of the Charter; vision and mission statement of the department; and skills such as team building, problem solving, handling of grievances and communication skills,
- need for creation of database on consumer grievances and redress,
- need for wider publicity of the Charter through print media, posters, banners, leaflets, handbills, brochures, local newspapers etc. and also through electronic media,
- earmarking of specific budgets for awareness generation and orientation of staff, and
- replication of best practices in this field.
32) 33) Professional ethics – PE covers the personal and job related standards of behavior expected of professionals. Professionals possess and use specialized knowledge and skill. The manner of using such knowledge while providing a service to the public is considered a moral issue and termed professional ethics Why?
- To prevent exploitation of clients
- To safeguard the integrity of the profession
- To set minimal standards
- To Retain public trust on the profession and professional
- Self regulation of professionals
IMC guidelines to doctors in India, especially on sensitive issues such as organ donation, gene therapy etc
1) Profit , People and Planet – Triple Bottomline of CSR
2) Steadfastness – loyalty in the face of trouble and difficulty
3) Magnanimity – liberal and generous
4) Forthrightness – the quality of being honest and straightforward in attitude and speech
5) Fortitude – fortitude is the marshal of thought, Armour of will and the fort of reason
Ex: Navy Thai seal ventured into the dangerous cave thereby sacrificing his life. So did the cave divers who took the formidable task in spite of knowing the risks involved.
6) Soldiers in siachen
In public service: to fight against corruption and status quo attitude in the system
7) Misfeasance – a transgression, especially the wrongful exercise of lawful authority
The Supreme Court in an innovative exercise, examined executive actions of two former Union Ministers. It found that one of them allotted petrol pumps in favour of fifteen persons which were plainly vitiated by lack of transparency, nepotism and arbitrariness. The allotments made mostly in favour of the relations of the Ministers or members of his staff. In the case of the other Minister, the Court found that illegal allotments had been made in relation to occupation of Government accommodation
Plato – the measure of a man is what he does with power.
Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to
test a man’s character, give him power
We come nearest to the great when we are great in Humility
Tranquility – a state of peace and quiet