World Monkey Day Notes for UPSC IAS


World Monkey Day

World Monkey Day UPSC IAS

Why in News?

World Monkey Day is celebrated worldwide on 14th December, every year.

What is World Monkey Day?

Monkey Day has been created to celebrate monkeys and other non-human primates. A primate is any mammal of the group that includes lemurs, lorises, tarsiers, monkeys, apes, and humans. It is a great day when it comes to raising awareness about different types of monkeys and primates around the world, as well as the issues they face and how we can help them.

What are the Important Monkey Facts?

Monkeys, usually referred to as simians, are found around the planet.
There are more than 250 different species of monkey in Asia, Africa, Central America, and South America.
Old World monkeys and New World monkeys are the two subgroups of monkeys.
While New World monkeys are native to the Americas and Old World monkeys are native to Africa and Asia, there are other differences between the two species.

IUCN Status of Monkey:

According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), over 70% of Asian species, 50% of African species, and 40% of neotropical species are considered to be endangered. Among them are:

  • Western Chimpanzee: Critically Endangered.
  • Roloway Monkey: Critically Endangered.
  • Lion-tailed Macaque: Endangered.
  • Diana Monkey: Endangered.
  • Long-tailed Macaque: Endangered.
  • Gee’s Golden Langur: Endangered.