Quotes for UPSC IAS MAINS Exam Part 2

Quotes for UPSC IAS MAINS Exam Part 2
Part 2

  1. Social changes arises out of conlifct between morals vs ethics
  2. a debate should refrain from simply attacking the government on the issue and should instead lead to systemic/institutional changes to reform the country’s intelligence apparatus.
  3. A civils servant has to move from the mentality of Mera kya (What is there in it for me)andMujhe Kya (Why should I be bothered) are ruining the country P4 – People Private Public Partnership for good governance
  4. Antyodaya – Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyaya’s concept of serving the last man in the queue
  5. P2G2 – Pro-People Good Governance, which the government claims to be its focus.
  6. Aim of the government is tog generate HOPE – harmony, opportunity, people’s particpation and equality
  7. Reforming institutions is not easy. If institutions are the vehicles in which we are travelling, then we must ‘redesign the aircrafts while we are flying in them’
  8. what we now see among our politicians ‘is a strong consensus for weak reforms.” – Montek singh Alhuwalia (In context of Indian politics)
  9. “Leave your footprints on the sand of time by your good work” – Vivekanada Neither IndiaN, nor civil, nor service – JN said for ICS in 1932
  10. Civil admin have become inflexible, inward looking and self perpetuating – 2nd ARC
  11. Only a man who knows his job can stand take a stand
  12. respect for liberty of others is not a natural impulse for most men. – russell
  13. ABCD – Avoid, Bypass, Confuse, Delay (Comment on the culture within the Indian bureaucracy)
  14. ” more inclusive and more sustainable growth” – 12th plan
  15. India needs a strong liberal state with three core elements: the authority to take quick and decisive action, a transparent rule of law to ensure that such action is legitimate, and accountability to the people.
  16. It is high time we inverted the dictum of Darwin and worked for a society which
  17. would ensure survival of the weakest and perhaps the sickest too
  18. Employees in private as well as public organizations are expected not only to do the things right but also do the right things. Here, conscience comes to play a role in identification of right things.
  19. The world has achieved brilliance without wisdom, power without conscience. Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants. (GOLD!)
  20. Public interest should be the yardstick for deciding the correctness of the decsions Everywhere, power is becoming easier to acquire, harder to wield, and easier to lose.
  21. Discretion+Monopoly-Accountability = Corruption Discretion+Values = Public interest
  22. theory that ‘development’ entails ‘costs’ and that this is a ‘sacrifice’ that some must accept in order that others might benefit must be recognised to be not sincere; it must be firmly abandoned.
  23. Pain and hardship imposed by some on others cannot be described as a sacrifice by the latter
  24. It was Buddha who conquered the world, not Alexander – Tagore mantra of “Reform to Perform to Transform” by Modi
  25. RTI Act has been considered by many as the second most important legal document after the Constitution.
  26. weapon of the weak
  27. “Hum janege, hum jiyenge”
  28. “Hamra paisa, hamara hisaab”
  29. the task of a statesman is to construct a balance of fear between great power to create a orderly system – it won’t be just and fair but it would be legitimate   eg – ceasefire line converted to LoC after shimla agreement. during argil war
  30. US ask paksitan to withdraw
  31. Aristotle – A government is good when it aims at good of the whole community and
  32. bad when it aims at good of itself
  33. Colonial govt in India was of the second type which always aimed at selfpreservation eg – Parliamentarian paying themsleves high salary
  34. Those who run the system should not benefit from the system