Important Topics in Psychology for UPSC MAINS Optional Paper 1
Paper I Section A
Paper I Section A
- Psychology as a science
- Psychology & its relation to other fields
- Perspectives In Psychology (Just 6 headings – Details
- elsewhere)
- Contribution of Gestalt School to development of Psychology
- (SN)
- Humanistic Perspective as the third force (Short Note)
- Historical Antecedents
- Trends in 21st Century
2. Methods of
- Experimental Methods & Non Experimental Methods
- Control Groups & Within Subject Design of Experiment
- Methodological Problems in Psychology
- Types of Research – Diagnostic, Prognostic, Descriptive,
- Evaluative
- Focussed Group Discussions
- Brain Storming
- Grounded Theory Approach
3. Research Methods & Quant Analaysis
- Major Steps in Psychological Research
- Fundamental Vs. Applied Research
- Methods of Data Collection (Interv, Observ, Questionnr, Case Study)
- Experimentor’s effect’s influence on Findings of a study
- Factor Analysis
- Item Response Theory
Development of Human Behaviour
- Socialization & Cultural Factors
- Role of Environment & Genetics on development of Human
- Behaviour
- Life Span Development – Developmental Tasks
- Critical Period
- Maturation
- Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development
- Culture & Personality (Optional – Can be left if shortage of time)
- Concept of Self – Shortnote (Optional)
5 Attention & Perception
- Perception & its characteristics.
- Perceptual Organization
- Perceptual Defence (Short Note).
- Signal Detection Theory & Classical Psychophysics (Short Note).
- General Concepts in Attention.
- Sublimial Perception (Short Note)
- Threshold – Absolute & Differential Threshold (Part of
- Psychophysics)
- Vigilance & Factors Influencing it
- Plasticity of Perception
- Figure After Affects
Learning Classical Conditioning.
- Operant Conditioning
- Forms of Learning (including observational learning/Modelling).
- Programmed Learning & its application in teaching.
- Discrimination & Generalization (wrt to both CC & Operant
- Conditioning)
- Process of Extinction (wrt to both CC & Operant Conditioning)
- Theories of Learning – Gestaltist & Information Processing Approach
- Escape, Avoidance & Punishment
- Attainment of Concepts & Concept Learning
7. Memory
- Information Processing Models of Memory
- Two process theories of memory (short Note)
- Forgetting (Short Note)
- Theories of Forgetting (Repression, Decay & Interference theories)
- Ways of Memory Enhancement
- Basic Processes of Remembering
- Stage Vs. Process Models of Memory
- Concept of working memory
- Metamemory
- Amnesia – Anteretrograde & Retrograde
- Iconic & Echoic Memory
Paper I Section B
Thinking & Problem
- Solving Concept Formation
- Convergent & Divergent thinking (Short Note)
- Creativity & Fostering Creativity (Short Note).
- Creativity & its link with Intelligence (Short Note)
- Problem Solving & the steps involved
- Mental Set & Problem Solving (short note)
- Facilitatory & Hindering factors in problem solving
- Methods of Problem Solving
- Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development
- Concept of Problem Space
9 Motivation & Emotion
- Emotion – Characteristics, Components & Functions
- James Lange theory of Emotion
- Emergency Theory of Canon Bard
- Schachter Singer Theory & Cognitive Appraisal Theory of Lazarus
- Motivation – Its characteristics & the steps involved
- Theories of Motivation (Hull, Lewin, Freud, Maslow, Deci & Ryan)
- Field Theory or Vector Valence Theory of Kurt Lewin (Short Note)
- Need Hierarchy Theory of Motivation (Maslow)
- Psychoanalytical theory of Motivation
- Drive Theory or Push theory of Hull
- Extrinsic & Intrinsic Motivation
- Emotional Competence
- Homeostasis
- Social & Economic Motives
- Cognitive Evalutaion theory of Intrinsic Motivation
- Cognitive Approach to Motivation & Emotion
- Instinct, Drive, Arousal & Incentive Theories of Motivation
Intelligence & Aptitude Spearmans
- Thurstone’s Theory of Intelligence
- Concept of Intelligence – nature & development
- Concept of Aptitude (Short Note).
- Creativity & its link with Intelligence (Short Note)
- Emotional Intelligence & how to measure it (Full Length)
- Social Intelligence (Short Note).
- Multiple Intelligence & its measurement (Short Note)
- Theories of Intelligence – J.P Guilford, Eysenck-Vernon Model
- Sternberg Theory of Intelligence
- Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development
- Bruner’s Theory of Cognitive Development (Short Note)
- J.P. Das – PASS Model
- Concept of IQ, Deviation IQ, Constancy of IQ
- Fluid Intelligence & Crystallized Intelligence (Cattell’s Theory)
11 Personality Theories of Personality (Psychoanalytical)
- Humanistic Approach to Personality
- Rogers Concept of fully functional person.
- Behaviouristic Approach to Personality
- Trait & Type approaches to Personality (V. Important)
- Projective techniques of perosnality assessment.
- Projective Techniques Vs. Psychometric Tests in Personality
- assesmt.
- Personality – Concept & Individuality
- Socio-Cultural Approach to Personality
- Piagets theory of Cognitive Development
- Indian Approach to Personality (Esp Guna Theory, Vedantic theory)
- Self
- Big 5 Theory
12 Attitudes, Values &
- Attitude – its Components & Formation
- Cognitive Dissonance Theory
- Other theories of attitude
Attribution Theory
- Attitude Change
- Values – Concept, Components & Measurement (Short Note).
- Strategies for fostering Values
- Interest – Concept, Components & Measurement (Short Note)
- How Values Motivate Individual
- Measuring Attitude (Thurstone & Likert Attitude Scale)
- Attribution Theories
13 Language &
- Communication & its process, Importance & Barriers
- Persuasive & Effective Communication
- Skinner & Chomsky’s theory of language development.
- Human Language – Properties, Structure & Linguistic Hierarchy
- Role of Language in Communication
- Language Acquisition – Predisposition, Critical Period Hypothesis
14 Issues & Perspectives
in Modern Extrasensory Perception
- Intersensory Perceiption.
- Contemporary
- Psychology Altered State of Consciousness & Meditation (short note)
- Hypnosis (short note)
- drug use (short note)
- Sensory deprivation
- Dreams
- Sleep & Its Stages
- Artificial Intelligence (Short Note).
- Psychocybernetics
- Use of Computers in Pyschological Experiments & Tests.