Chapterwise Important Topics in Geography for UPSC MAINS Optional
Paper I Section A
- Geographical Cycle of Erosion (Davis)
- Geographical Cycle of Erosion (Penck)
- Isostasy
- Continental drift Theory
- Plate Tectonics
- Polycyclic landforms (Short Note)
- Volcanoes (Short Note)
- Earthquakes (Short Note – Also discuss P, S & L waves)
- Endogenetic & Exogenetic forces & the landforms produced
- Geosynclines (short Note)
- Earth’s Interior & Seismic Studies
- Recent Views on Mountain Building
- Tsunamis
- Applied Geomorphology (Short Note)
- Denudation Chronology & Erosional Surfaces
- Slope Development
- Geomagnetism
- Channel Morphology
- Origin, movement & characteristics of airmasses
- Tropical Cyclone
- Temperate Cyclone
- Difference between Tropical & Temperate Cyclone
- Monsoon
- Tricellular model of circulation
- Koppen Classification & its drawbacks (For India refer Sheet 3)
- Thornthwaite (1948 scheme) – (For India refer Sheet 3)
- Trewartha’s Classification – (For India refer Sheet 3 in excel)
- Jet Streams (Short Note)
- Structure & Composition of Earth’s Atmosphere
- Temperature Inversion (Short Note)
- Global Warming & its effects at different places
- Hydrological cycle (Short Note)
- Types & Distribution of Precipitation
- Atmospheric Stability & Instability
- Applied Climatology
- Urban Climate
- Global Climate Change. Role & response of man
- Heat Budget of the Earth
- Coral Reefs – theories of coral reef formation
- Coral Bleaching
- Ocean Currents in the Atlantic
- Cursory Look at currents of Pacific & Indian Ocean
- Ocean Deposits (Terrigenous & Pelagic deposits)
- Temperature distribution in Oceans (Short Note)
- Salinity
- Law of the Sea (Short Note)
- Marine Pollution
- Waves
- Tides
- Marine Resources – Biotic, Mineral & Energy
- Soil & Its Introduction (Esp Factors Forming Soil Profile)
- Soil Profile & Its Genesis
- Old System of Soil Classification
- New System of Classification
- Major biotic regions of the world & basis for division
- Social Forestry (Short Note)
- Agro Forestry (Short Note)
- Soil Erosion
- Soil Conservation
- Soil Degradation (Include Salinity, waterlogging, desertification etc)
- Wildlife (Short Note)
- Major Gene Pool Centers
Environmental Geography
- Ecosystem – Concept, components & functioning (Most Imp)
- Biodiversity (short note)
- Environmental Pollution (Including Ozone Depletion)
- Environment Pollution (Water, Solid, Radioactive, Noise)
- Environmental Degradation
- Environment Policy & Legislation
- Influence of Man on Ecology & Environment
Paper I Section B
Perspectives in Human Geography
- Quantitative Revolution in geography
- Radical Approach
- Humanistic Approach
- Welfare Approach (short note)
- Behavioural approach
- Determinism (including Neo-determinism)
- Possibilism
- Areal Differentiation (short note)
- Regional Synthesis (short Note)
- Cultural Regions of the world (short Note)
Economic Geography
- World agriculture – Typology of agricultural regions (Whittlesey)
- Limits to growth 7 (Short Note)
- Dryland Farming (short note – Give Global Perspective in Paper I)
- Land Capability (short note – Give Global Perspective)
- Resource conservation & Management
Population & Settlement Geography
- Causes & Consequence of Migration (Dig on Page 52 –
- Ensemble)
- Internal Structure of cities
- Primate City (Short Note)
- Rank Size Rule (Short Note)
- Rural Urban Fringe (Short Note)
- Concept of optimum population (Short Note)
- Sphere of Urban Influence & Its delimitation
- Satellite Town (Short Note)
Regional Planning
- Concept of a region & types of region & Methods of
- Regionalization
- Regional Imbalance & how to correct it. (Global not Indian)
- Sustainable development
- Growth Centre & growth poles.
Models, Theories &
Laws in Human Geo
- System Analysis in human geography
- Malthusian, Marxian & Demographic transition theory
- Central Place theory of Christaller
- Losch’s Central Place Theory
- Von Thunen Model of agricultural location
- Weber’s Model of Industrial Location
- Rostov’s model of stages of growth
- Heartland Concept (Diagram Must)
- Rimland Concept (Diagram Must)
- Frontiers & Boundaries
- Laws of International Boundaries